Welcome to the web page 6D
The staff that are working in Year 6 are:
Mr Doidge - Class teacher, Digital Leader and Computing Subject Lead
Mr Stanton - Teaching Assistant
Miss Hall - Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA)
The Year 6 email address is: y6@stacksteads.lancs.sch.uk
P.E. is every Monday and will be taught by Mr Stanton and Mrs Burns. Children are to come to school in their P.E. kit and trainers. Plain t-shirt and plain shorts with their school jumper are to be worn.
The children have now been given SATs revision books. They will be given pages to complete each Friday and will be expected to complete the work for the following Friday. Please encourage your child to complete each week's work as it revises their key learning leading up to SATs. To help with this, there will be a homework club every Tuesday where children can get help with their workbooks. They will be allowed to bring snacks!
Due Friday 24th January
10-minute test book: Test 2 (pages 6 and 7)
Maths SATs: pages 74 and 75
Reading: Pages 9, 10 and 11
Children are expected to read for 20 minutes every day.
There are also reading challenge sheets that we would encourage the children to complete. They can win tokens for the reading vending machine.
Dates for your diary
Tuesday 11th February - High Adventure Meeting - 2.30pm and 6pm
Half term curriculum map
Year 6 Welcome Meeting
Thank you to those that were able to attend this week's meeting.
For those who could not make it, the PowerPoint is attached below.
High Adventure Residential Visit
Our Year 6 Residential Visit to High Adventure is on Monday 3rd March - Wednesday 5th March 2025.
More details will be available in the Spring Term, including a kit list, a list of the activities, the menu and much more!
Thank you Mrs Burns
Take a look at the websites and games below. They are a good revision tool for your child to consolidate their learning.
SATs Revision Websites and Online Games
Year 6 Reading List
Take a look at the website for suggestions for books for your child to read.
Year 6 are reading ...
Summer-'Wonder' by R J Palacio
Spring-'Holes' by Louis Sachar
Autumn-'Boy at the back of the class' by Onjali Q Rauf
Applying for a secondary school place for September 2025? For more information and to apply, please visit the website below.