Residential Visit 2025
This year we will be visiting High Adventure on Monday 3rd March and returning back to school on Wednesday 5th March.
A kit list has been sent home for you to have a look through.
A meeting will also be held on Tuesday 11th Februaury at 2:30pm and then again at 6pm, where you will have a chance to ask questions.
Thank you
Mrs Burns
Monday Pictures
Tuesday Pictures
Wednesday Pictures
High Adventure Meeting Information
Photos from High Adventure 2025 will be posted here daily at about 6:30pm.
High Adventure have updated their website! Take a look here:
Comments (45)
Show CommentsHi Moses, you look like you’re having a fantastic time, you can tell us all about it soon! Enjoy tomorrow too, love you and miss you, love mum dad and Reuben x
Hi sweetie, It looks like you are having the best time. The pictures are amazing. I cannot wait to hear all of your amazing adventures when you get home. Love you lots Mum x
Hey bub bubs. Alls good at the horses, Shanti wasn't impressed with us and kept looking for you. Alls fine here. Diego and Shadow keep looking at the door waiting for you. Looked through the piccys, you look like your having the best time so keep it up and enjoy!! Super impressed that your giving everything a go. It looks awesome and can't wait for you to tell me all about it. We are all missing you millions and will be queuing up to get to you first for huggies. Keep smashing it. We love you more than words can say. Lots of love Mum, Dad and Fur Babies xxx
Wowsers sunshine what a brilliant adventure your having.. and the opportunity to be involved in all those activities.. super proud of you. See you tomorrow love grandma sam ❤️
Wow Lucius. I'm so so proud of you for going and joining in, the place looks amazing. Hope you've had the best time with your friends... but we are having to do our own hoovering here and miss your cheeky laugh and endless knowledge. Can't wait to have you home and hear all about it. Enjoy your last night, see you tomorrow. Love you like mad son, mum xx
Hi Leo looks like your having a brilliant time, can't wait to hear all about it . Nice to see you helping clean up you can carry that on when you get home please
Hi sweetie you look like your happy and having lots of fun and joining in with plenty of things. Well done princess. The house definitely isn't the same without you we are all missing you loads and cant wait to see you tomorrow. James seems lost without you he must love you more than you think ahaha bunnies are doing great and you should see their new outfits. Daddy says he loves you lots and get on them walls ahaha love you lots and lots like jelly tots, sweet dreams baby girl x mum, dad and James xxxxxx
Hi Emme, it looks like you have had a fab day today and did amazing on the climbing walls we are so proud of you! Enjoy your last night tonight we can't wait to see you tomorrow and hear all about it. Love you lots, mum and dad xx
Hey Pal. It looks like your have the best time. ❤️ The house is way to quiet without you.. can't wait to see you tomorrow. Lots of love mum (K-dog)
Sorry you missed your favourite day pancake day! Don't worry we'll just have to have it twice! Even Noahs missing keeping you up at night for a chat!! See you tomorrow x