Bacup Holy Trinity Stacksteads C.E. Primary School

Welcome to the Holy Trinity Stacksteads C.E.P.S. Website


World Book Day 2025

The children had a great time discussing their favourite reads, being creative with their book covers and of course, dressing up! The children took part in a live zoom author meeting and a read aloud. 


We would like to continue their enthusiasm for reading and encourage as much book talk as possible at home and at school. 

How can you help? 


Listen to your child read and discuss what happens in the book. Discuss how a character behaves, a character's personality, reasons for their actions and check your child's understanding of the vocabulary they are reading. 

10-15 minutes every night will have a massive impact on your child's learning.

HT Reading challenges

Each class has their own tailor-made reading challenges to complete throughout the year. The challenges have been created to follow your child's learning in school and to enhance their reading skills, as well as encouraging reading for pleasure. 


If your child completes a reading challenge task, simply date the sheet and provide a little note next to each challenge. (e.g Task-visit the library and borrow a book. You could record the visit date and the title of the book they borrowed. A picture of them reading would also land them a slot on our reading wall along with extra team points!)

Hand the completed sheet to the class teacher. Your child will then receive a token for the book vending machine. 


Challenges can be found below or ask your child's teacher for a copy. 

 Reading challenges (1).pdfDownload
 Reading challenges.pdfDownload
 y2 Reading challenges.pdfDownload
 yr 3 Reading challenges.pdfDownload
 yr 4 Reading challenges.pdfDownload
 yr 5 Reading challenges.pdfDownload
 yr6 Reading challenges.pdfDownload
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Our Reading sheds

Thanks to the fundraising efforts of the school community, the PTFA were able to purchase reading sheds for our playground. Take a look at these in action...

Take a look at the different text types that we learn about at Holy Trinity...

World Cup Book Bingo

Thank you to all of the children that returned their World Cup Bingo Challenges. I hope that you all had fun reading about different countries and cultures. All of the completed sheets were put into a hat and there was one winner from each year group. The children had lots of fun being the first users of the Book Vending Machine. Keep an eye out for more reading challenges in the New Year, for the chance to use the vending machine!

Holy Trinity has a Reading Vending Machine!

 Poetry Week Progression Y1-6.docxDownload
 Unit Genres Taught at Holy Trinity V1.docxDownload
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All about the  grammar that is taught in school. 

Active Learn/ Bug Club guide for Parents.

 bug club guide for parents for website.docxDownload
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Word of the Day | Garmin Connect IQ

In Key Stage One and Key Stage Two we have  a daily 'Word of the Day' to help us to be exposed to a range of vocabulary. We try to use the daily words in our written work that week too. 

Take a look at this 'Glossary of terms' that the children throughout school will be learning about. 

Vocabulary Ninja

We follow the Vocab Ninja whole school spelling scheme. 





Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling terms that you may find useful. 

Primary Resources - KS2, KS1, Early Years (EYFS) KS3, KS4, Twinkl

At Holy Trinity we use Twinkl Phonics resources which follows the Letters & Sounds sequence.

Our reading books follow this structure and sequence of sounds.

 HT Phonics Policy Sep 22.pdfDownload
 HT Phonics Teaching Sequence 22.pdfDownload
 Twinkl Level 2 & 3 actions.pdfDownload
 Twinkl Level 2 & 3 letter formation.pdfDownload
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How we write our graphemes (letters)

How we say our phonemes (sounds)

Letter formation rhymes & actions

Letters & Sounds Lesson Videos

Alphablocks Videos

Teach your Monster to Read Videos


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